Modelling the Victorian roadmap (PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT)RESEARCH REPORT
Modelling the impact of reducing control measures on the COVID-19 pandemic in a low transmission setting.RESEARCH REPORT
Know COVID-19: Estimating risks associated with early reopening in VictoriaRESEARCH REPORT
Identifying high-priority regions for hepatitis C treatment in AustraliaPOLICY BRIEF
Eliminating hepatitis C virus among HIV-positive menPOLICY BRIEF
Elimination of hepatitis C requires a comprehensive approach to carePOLICY BRIEF
Psychological distress in people who inject drugsPOLICY BRIEF
Achievable and cost-effective elimination targets in AustraliaPOLICY BRIEF
Treating hepatitis C saves lives and is cost-effectivePOLICY BRIEF
The benefits of a hepatitis C vaccinePOLICY BRIEF
Understanding and describing Australian illicit drug markets: Drug price variations and associated changes in a cohort of people who inject drugs.RESEARCH REPORT
Patterns of drug preference and use among people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia.RESEARCH REPORT