Protocol for integrated solutions for healthy birth, growth and development: a cluster-randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a mixed nutrition intervention package in reducing child undernutrition in Lao People's Democratic Republic.
Huang S, Toole M, Renzaho AM, Kounnavong S, Watts JJ, Coghlan B
Maternal, Newborn + Child Health NutritionThe introduction of a mandatory mask policy was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 cases in a major metropolitan city.
Scott N, Saul A, Spelman T, Stoove M, Pedrana A, Saeri A, Grundy E, Smith L, Toole M, McIntyre CR, Crabb BS, Hellard M
COVID-19Critical examination of evidence for the nutritional status of children in Papua New Guinea - a systematic review.
McGlynn PJ, Renzaho AΜ, Pham MD, Toole M, Fisher J, Luchters S
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Response to Humanitarian Emergencies, 2007-2016.
Boyd AT, Cookson ST, Anderson M, Bilukha OO, Brennan M, Handzel T, Hardy C, Husain F, Cardozo BL, Colorado CN, Shahpar C, Talley L, Toole M, Gerber M