Spectrum of TB Disease and Treatment Outcomes in a Mobile Community Based Active Case Finding Program in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.
Ananda NR, Triasih R, Dwihardiani B, Nababan B, Hidayat A, Chan G, du Cros P
Tuberculosis (TB)The prevalence and risk factors for tuberculosis among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Main S, Triasih R, Greig J, Hidayat A, Brilliandi IB, Khodijah S, Chan G, Wilks N, Parry AE, Nababan B, du Cros P, Dwihardiani B
Tuberculosis (TB)Contact screening and management in a high-transmission MDR-TB setting in Papua New Guinea: Progress, challenges and future directions
Majumdar SS, Islam S, Lin Huang K, Morris L, Bauri M, Chan C, Kama G, Keam T, Peacock-Smith A, Finch S et al.
Knowledge and attitudes towards TB among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Main S, Dwihardiani B, Hidayat A, Khodijah S, Greig J, Chan G, Parry AE, Nababan B, Billy I, du Cros P, Triasih R.
Global Infectious Disease Threats Tuberculosis (TB)Adapting active case-finding for TB during the COVID-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Chan G, Triasih R, Nababan B, du Cros P, Wilks N, Main S, Huang GKL, Lin D, Graham SM, Majumdar SS, Bakker M, Khan A, Khan FA, Dwihardiani B
COVID-19 Tuberculosis (TB)Global research priorities for social, behavioural and community engagement interventions for maternal, newborn and child health.
Chan G, Storey JD, Das MK, Sacks E, Johri M, Kabakian-Khasholian T, Paudel D, Yoshida S, Portela A