Priority populations' experiences of isolation, quarantine and distancing for COVID-19: protocol for a longitudinal cohort study (Optimise Study).
Pedrana A, Bowring A, Heath K, Thomas AJ, Wilkinson A, Fletcher-Lartey S, Saich F, Munari S, Oliver J, Merner B, Altermatt A, Nguyen T, Nguyen L, Young K, Kerr P, Osborne D, Kwong EJL, Corona MV, Ke T, Zhang Y, Eisa L, Al-Qassas A, Malith D, Davis A, Gibbs L, Block K, Horyniak D, Wallace J, Power R, Vadasz D, Ryan R, Shearer F, Homer C, Collie A, Meagher N, Danchin M, Kaufman J, Wang P, Hassani A, Sadewo GRP, Robins G, Gallagher C, Matous P, Roden B, Karkavandi MA, Coutinho J, Broccatelli C, Koskinen J, Curtis S, Doyle JS, Geard N, Hill S, Coelho A, Scott N, Lusher D, Stoové MA, Gibney KB, Hellard M.
COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease ThreatsCOVID-19 disaster recovery capitals: A conceptual framework to guide holistic and strengths-based support strategies
Quinn P, Munari S, Block K, Walker S, Liberman J, Wallace J, Horyniak D, Oliver J, Hellard M, Fletcher-Lartey S, Gibbs L
COVID-19Stigma Associated with Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among People from Migrant and Ethnic Minority Groups: Results from a Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies.
Douglass CH, Win TM, Goutzamanis S, Lim MSC, Block K, Onsando G, Hellard M, Higgs P, Livingstone C, Horyniak D
"Like a pickle that's been unpickled": Emotional, identity and behavioural transformations throughout hepatitis C treatment.
Goutzamanis S, Doyle JS, Horyniak D, Higgs P, Hellard M
Left behind on the path to 90-90-90: understanding and responding to HIV among displaced people.
Vasylyeva TI, Horyniak D, Bojorquez I, Pham MD
Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Children Migrating to Australia.
Laemmle-Ruff I, Graham SM, Williams B, Horyniak D, Majumdar SS, Paxton GA, Soares Caplice LV, Hellard ME, Trauer JM