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Informing priorities in the HIV response in Australia


Open to:
Honours; Masters by Research; Masters by Coursework; PhD



Disease Elimination Public Health HIV + AIDS; Hepatitis C; Infectious Disease Surveillance   

Globally, almost 40 million people currently live with HIV infection, which remains a major public health threat. Contemporary responses to HIV have evolved substantially over the past decade. Combination HIV prevention is now the key prevention strategy, combining primary prevention strategies, such as condom and, needle and syringe distribution program, with biomedical strategies such as widespread access to treatment and viral suppression among people living with HIV and the scale up of HIV PrEP for those at risk of HIV acquisition.
While Australia has been relatively successful in its HIV response, key gaps remain.

Burnet Institute’s HIV Elimination program takes a multifaceted approach to HIV prevention and supporting the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV.

Projects suitable for Honours, Masters and PhD degrees include:

  • epidemiological analyses examining the coverage and relative effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions, including HIV PrEP and HIV treatment-as-prevention
  • epidemiological, behavioural and social factors associated with HIV susceptibility among specific populations, including migrants and international students
  • surveillance of HIV-hepatitis C co-infection and evaluation of HIV-hepatitis C co-infection elimination strategies
  • exploring the role of HIV self-testing in HIV prevention responses, including the development and implementation of interventions to improve HIV self-testing coverage and support the HIV cascade of care among people who test positive using a HIV self-test
  • qualitative studies exploring attitudes, preferences and barriers for adopting HIV prevention strategies, as well as strategies to prevent hepatitis C infection among people living with HIV as part of a HIV-hepatitis C co-infection elimination strategy.


Professor Mark Stoove
Head of Public Health

Jason Asselin
Manager, Surveillance and Evaluation Group

Michael Traeger
Research Officer


Mark A Stoové
Brendan Harney
Michael Traeger

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When you study at Burnet, you broaden your impact working across our three Institute-wide programs: Disease Elimination; Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness; Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health.

Train with internationally recognised experts in a structured student support system, and gain a holistic research experience along the way.

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