Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostics in children: 2. Methodological issues for conducting and reporting research evaluations of tuberculosis diagnostics for intrathoracic tuberculosis in children. Consensus from an expert panel.
Cuevas LE, Browning R, Bossuyt P, Casenghi M, Cotton MF, Cruz AT, Dodd LE, Drobniewski F, Gale M, Graham SM, Grzemska M, Heinrich N, Hesseling AC, Huebner R, Jean-Philippe P, Kabra SK, Kampmann B, Lewinsohn D, Li M, Lienhardt C, Mandalakas AM, Marais BJ, Menzies HJ, Montepiedra G, Mwansambo C, Oberhelman R, Palumbo P, Russek-Cohen E, Shapiro DE, Smith B, Soto-Castellares G, Starke JR, Swaminathan S, Wingfield C, Worrell C
Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostics in children: 1. Proposed clinical case definitions for classification of intrathoracic tuberculosis disease. Consensus from an expert panel.
Graham SM, Ahmed T, Amanullah F, Browning R, Cardenas V, Casenghi M, Cuevas LE, Gale M, Gie RP, Grzemska M, Handelsman E, Hatherill M, Hesseling AC, Jean-Philippe P, Kampmann B, Kabra SK, Lienhardt C, Lighter-Fisher J, Madhi S, Makhene M, Marais BJ, McNeeley DF, Menzies H, Mitchell C, Modi S, Mofenson L, Musoke P, Nachman S, Powell C, Rigaud M, Rouzier V, Starke JR, Swaminathan S, Wingfield C
Contact investigation of children exposed to tuberculosis in South East Asia: a systematic review.
Triasih R, Rutherford M, Lestari T, Utarini A, Robertson CF, Graham SM