Impact of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on hepatitis C testing in Australian primary care services providing care for people who inject drugs.
Traeger MW, van Santen DK, Sacks-Davis R, Asselin J, Carter A, Doyle JS, Pedrana A, Wilkinson AL, Howell J, Thatcher R, Didlick J, Donovan B, Guy R, Hellard ME, Stoové MA, Australia Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses (ACCESS)
COVID-19 Hepatitis C Injecting Drug UsePoint-of-Care Diagnostics for Diagnosis of Active Syphilis Infection: Needs, Challenges and the Way Forward.
Pham MD, Ong JJ, Anderson DA, Drummer HE, Stoové M
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's)Mortality in the SuperMIX cohort of people who inject drugs in Melbourne, Australia: a prospective observational study.
Hill PL, Stoové M, Agius PA, Maher L, Hickman M, Crawford S, Dietze P
High rates of resumption of injecting drug use following release from prison among men who injected drugs before imprisonment.
Curtis M, Winter RJ, Dietze P, Wilkinson AL, Cossar RD, Stewart AC, Agius PA, Butler T, Aitken C, Kirwan A, Walker S, Stoové M
The Incidence of Hepatitis C Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia, 2009-2019.
Harney BL, Sacks-Davis R, van Santen DK, Traeger M, Wilkinson AL, Asselin J, El-Hayek C, Fairley CK, Roth N, Bloch M, Matthews G, Donovan B, Guy R, Stoové M, Hellard ME, Doyle JS, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood-borne Viruses (ACCESS)
Real-world trends in incidence of bacterial sexually transmissible infections among gay and bisexual men using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Australia following nationwide PrEP implementation: an analysis of sentinel surveillance data.
Traeger MW, Guy R, Asselin J, Patel P, Carter A, Wright EJ, Grulich A, McManus H, Fairley CK, Chow EPF, McNulty A, Finlayson R, Bell C, Owen L, Marshall L, Russell D, O'Donnell D, Donovan B, Hellard ME, Stoové MA, Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood Borne Viruses (ACCESS) Study Group