Infectious KoRV-related retroviruses circulating in Australian bats.
Hayward JA, Tachedjian M, Kohl C, Johnson A, Dearnley M, Jesaveluk B, Langer C, Solymosi PD, Hille G, Nitsche A, Sánchez CA, Werner A, Kontos D, Crameri G, Marsh GA, Baker ML, Poumbourios P, Drummer HE, Holmes EC, Wang LF, Smith I, Tachedjian G
COVID-19The Evolving Facets of Bacterial Vaginosis: Implications for HIV Transmission.
McKinnon LR, Achilles SL, Bradshaw CS, Burgener A, Crucitti T, Fredricks DN, Jaspan HB, Kaul R, Kaushic C, Klatt N, Kwon DS, Marrazzo JM, Masson L, McClelland RS, Ravel J, van de Wijgert JHHM, Vodstrcil LA, Tachedjian G
Distinct Immune Responses Elicited From Cervicovaginal Epithelial Cells by Lactic Acid and Short Chain Fatty Acids Associated With Optimal and Non-optimal Vaginal Microbiota.
Delgado-Diaz DJ, Tyssen D, Hayward JA, Gugasyan R, Hearps AC, Tachedjian G
Risk of Subsequent HIV Infection Following Sexually Transmissible Infections Among Men Who Have Sex With Men.
Harney BL, Agius PA, El-Hayek C, Fairley CK, Chow EPF, Roth N, Tee BK, Leslie D, Tachedjian G, Hellard M, Stoové M
Effects of an over-the-counter lactic-acid containing intra-vaginal douching product on the vaginal microbiota.
van der Veer C, Bruisten SM, van Houdt R, Matser AA, Tachedjian G, van de Wijgert JHHM, de Vries HJC, van der Helm JJ
Differential Evolution of Antiretroviral Restriction Factors in Pteropid Bats as Revealed by APOBEC3 Gene Complexity.
Hayward JA, Tachedjian M, Cui J, Cheng AZ, Johnson A, Baker ML, Harris RS, Wang LF, Tachedjian G