The quality of health research for young Indigenous Australians: systematic review.
Azzopardi PS, Kennedy EC, Patton GC, Power R, Roseby RD, Sawyer SM, Brown AD
The case for investing in family planning in the Pacific: costs and benefits of reducing unmet need for contraception in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands.
Kennedy EC, Mackesy-Buckley S, Subramaniam S, Demmke A, Latu R, Robertson AS, Tiban K, Tokon A, Luchters S
Online chlamydia testing: an innovative approach that appeals to young people.
Azzopardi PS, Kennedy EC, Brown AD
Improving adolescent reproductive: the importance of quality data.
Kennedy E, Grey N, Azzopardi P, Creati M
Improving adolescent reproductive health in Asia and the Pacific: do we have the data? A review of DHS and MICS surveys in nine countries.
Gray N, Azzopardi P, Kennedy E, Willersdorf E, Creati M
Adolescent fertility and family planning in East Asia and the Pacific: a review of DHS reports.
Kennedy E, Gray N, Azzopardi P, Creati M