Interventions targeting healthcare providers to optimise use of caesarean section: a qualitative comparative analysis to identify important intervention features.
Zahroh RI, Kneale D, Sutcliffe K, Vazquez Corona M, Opiyo N, Homer CSE, Betrán AP, Bohren MA
Improving maternal and newborn health and reducing stillbirths in the Western Pacific Region - current situation and the way forward.
Vallely LM, Calvert B, De Silva M, Panisi L, Babona D, Bolnga J, Duro-Aina T, Noovao-Hill A, Naidu S, Leisher S, Flenady V, Smith RM, Vogel JP, Homer CSE
COVID-19 and its impacts on primary health services and public health infectious disease programs in Papua New Guinea. (PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT),
Newland J, Neuendorf N, , Vallely L, Mek A, Vengiau G, Farquhar R, Boli-Neo R, Seymour M, Wratten M, Aeno H, Nake Trumb R, Kerry Z, Huang KL, Maalsen A, Homer C, Robinson L, , Majumdar S, Vallely A, Laman M, Pomat W, Kelly-Hanku A
COVID-19 Global Infectious Disease Threats Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthDrivers of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among women of childbearing age in Victoria, Australia: A descriptive qualitative study.
Oliver J, Kaufman J, Bagot K, Bradfield Z, Homer C, Gibney KB, Danchin M
COVID-19Diverse pre-service midwifery education pathways in Cambodia and Malawi: A qualitative study utilising a midwifery education pathway conceptual framework.
Neal S, Bokosi M, Lazaro D, Vong S, Nove A, Bar-Zeev S, Pairman S, Ryan E, Hoope-Bender PT, Homer CS
Harnessing the nursing and midwifery workforce to boost Australia's clinical research impact.
Eckert M, Rickard CM, Forsythe D, Baird K, Finn J, Gilkison A, Gray R, Homer CS, Middleton S, Neville S, Whitehead L, Sharplin GR, Keogh S