Experiences of receiving and providing maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: A five-cohort cross-sectional comparison.
Bradfield Z, Wynter K, Hauck Y, Vasilevski V, Kuliukas L, Wilson AN, Szabo RA, Homer CSE, Sweet L
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthThe cost-effectiveness of tranexamic acid for treatment of postpartum hemorrhage: A systematic review.
Aziz S, Rossiter S, Homer CSE, Wilson AN, Comrie-Thomson L, Scott N, Vogel JP
Public health physicians: who are they and why we need more of them - especially in Victoria.
Wilson AN, Moodie R, Grills N
COVID-19Becoming a mother in the 'new' social world in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sweet L, Bradfield Z, Vasilevski V, Wynter K, Hauck Y, Kuliukas L, Homer CSE, Szabo RA, Wilson AN
COVID-19 Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthMidwives' experiences of providing maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia.
Bradfield Z, Hauck Y, Homer CSE, Sweet L, Wilson AN, Szabo RA, Wynter K, Vasilevski V, Kuliukas L