The gendered experience of Close to Community Providers during COVID-19 Response in settings: A multi-country analysis
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COVID-19Successful incorporation of a genetic risk prediction research platform into routine newborn screening.
Bendor-Samuel OM, Wishlade T, Willis L, Aley P, Choi E, Craik R, Mujadidi Y, Mounce G, Roseman F, De La Horra Gozalo A, Bland J, Taj N, Smith I, Ziegler AG, Bonifacio E, Winkler C, Haupt F, Todd JA, Servais L, Snape MD, Vatish M, GPPAD Study Group
Maternal, Newborn + Child HealthStrengthening assessment and response to mental health needs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and adolescents in primary care settings: study protocol for the Ngalaiya Boorai Gabara Budbut implementation project.
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